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Showing posts from 2008

Hardy Intrepid Update

Short note: Wanted to make a distribution update from Hardy to Intrepid. I made a sudo bash and executed update-manager -d from this terminal but this did not show the new version. Then I have started it with gksu - press ALT+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" - and it was working. This must be a sudo environment issue. So update-manager -d does not show the new version if started from a sudo session but works fine via gksu or su.

Glassfish Custom Login Module and Realm Configuration

I wanted to create a custom login module and realm for Glassfish to implement a new authentication and authorization. I have taken the sun document but I "missed" - in fact parts of the info was there but hidden very well - some information and decided to share those here. I am focusing only on the missing parts. Rest is written in the document. The first thing is point 3. To me it did not work to place class files into directory appserver-domain-dir/lib/classes . I created a jar file from my classes and put that into glassfish/lib and it worked after a server restart. The next info what I missed is what jaas-context-name should be in login.conf and how it works later. So the jaas-context-name can be anything you want BUT you have to pass it to your Realm module as a parameter. Lets say you call you jaas-context-name as "customRealm". So you have in login.conf: customRealm{ org.CustomLogin required; } Then when you create your realm via the gui or any other w...

Firefox OCSP Server experiences an internal error ( sec_error_ocsp_server_error )

I am in a Hotel now and they have free Wifi in the rooms. This would be a nice feature if it worked. The theory is that Wifi is not protected an authentication is not required but when you type in an URL the gateway forwards you to an authentication page -, - and you have to type in a user name and password what you can get at the reception - or via the TV. If you type in the user name and password you can go through the gateway for a while. I suppose even the mac address or the IP is registered in the gateway and/or in the firewall and allowed to communicate. Nice concept except Wifi is not encrypted. But I had a problem. When I typed in any URL in Firefox it does not work and after a while I got the error message: "OCSP Server experiences an internal error" ( sec_error_ocsp_server_error ) I have tested this from Konqueror and it was working fine. ( I have Ubunut 8.04 now. ) I made a network traffic sniff and saw the problem is that Firefox tri...

Firefox Phishing ignores user' ignore.

Firefox does not allow you to ignore the Phishing warning sometimes because of two stupid bug even if you know this is not a Phishing site. This is because of bugs: 435081 and 442929 A quick BUT DANGEROUS workaround is to change two config values: browser.safebrowsing.enabled=false browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled=false which disables safebrowsing. Please note : - Always enable this feature again right after you finished browsing the site you wanted. Besides does not open any other site meanwhile. - You might believe this is not dangerous to disable safebrowsing on a site you know but this is FALSE. A cracker can crack the site and can put dangerous code snippets on the page without anybody noticing that. Even the site owner does not know about it. The code snippet can sit silently on the server and nobody can see that but can infect machines. Of course since the Phishing protection used by Firefox is black-list based somebody - or something - has already noticed and reported the ...

Netbeans 6.0.1 Missing Ruby and Rails Problem

Today decided to test Netbeans 6.0.1. I was satisfied with 6.0 but I had a stupid problem with JAX-RPC which prevented to use that feature. Instead of trying to solve that decided to move on to this version. So I downloaded the OS independent zip - this is what I like after all - but when I started... ooops. I got a message that Ruby and Rails version is not correct. So what? Try to upgrade. Same error again. What a shame. Decided to uninstall the Ruby and Rails and restart. Did not help. Deleted ruby files from ~/.netbeans/6.0/modules also did not help. Finally I solved this problem with starting the IDE and updating only IDE Platform first. Since that I could not reproduce the error and I have no time now to play more with this. So if you are having this make a try. But I will try to find out the real reason as soon as I will have some time.

Netbeans Missing New Project Categories

Jump to solution. (Skip stupid story.) It was raining outside and it was a dark and said day and there was nothing to work on when I decided to give a try to Netbeans in J2EE development. If you have read my blog before you must know I am an Ubuntu user. Actually not a fan. I am not loving anything easily. But I am in general very satisfied with Ubuntu . I like it very much. Am I a fan? Together with its problem too. But from time to time I am running into problems which can make life harder than .... than is should be. (Life is hard anyway. It does not matter if you are Linux Windows or Mac OS user. So hold on your arguments about it. :) ) Back to the point I have Ubuntu Gutsy which currently contains Netbeans 5.5. So I started it and wanted to start a new project. What a surprise I have seen I could not. There were no menu items besides import existing ant project what I could reach. Holy s.... something! What is this? I was asking. Tried to purge package and reinstall but no luck. ...

FlightGear Keyboard Shortcut Reference

I just wanted to have a list of keys can be used in FlightGear but found only the short Reference. I realized that key shortcuts is an xml file so easy to change and not good to publish a static one on the net while anybody can change it anytime easily. So here is a command to get it under linux anytime on your own machine. First please change directory to the one contains keyboard.xml. Gutsy have it under /usr/share/games/FlightGear $ awk 'BEGIN {name="";desc="";spec="";} \ /.*<\/name>/{ name=$0; spec="";desc="";} \ /.*<\/desc>/ { desc=$0 ; line=spec " " name " = " desc; print gensub("<[^>]*>([^<>]*)<\/[^>]*>","\\1","g",gensub("\ \ +","\ ","g", line)) ;} \ /<mod-.*>/ { spec=gensub("<mod-(.*)>","\\1 + ","g",$0); } \ ' keyboard.xml Output is something like: Ctrl-A = Toggle...