Over the weekend I have had 2 technical problems. And a third one which was the emotional consequence of the 2 technical ones. So the first problem was a result of iOS5 update. My iTouch 4th gen became unstable. I liked my iTouch, iPad and iXXXXX because they were always responsive and reliable. No lags no glitches no errors. But after I have installed iOS5 on my iTouch. My oh my!!! Lags are there and makes me feel like on Windows. The other issue seems to be a bug. You can test it by yourself. Start "App Store" - Select "Updates" - Select "Purchased" - Select "Not on this iPod" - Swipe right to left on any item and then select the "Hide" button. In my case "App Store" always does exit. Steve Jobs have died just one week before the release of iOS5 and here we are. Everything I really like for iOS devices have gone. Think about it. The other problem is more serious. And to be honest more depressing to me. I have upgrad...
Anything I think might be interesting or useful. Planed to be mainly IT related but who knows what happens?